Traffic Court Mendocino

Traffic Courthouse in Mendocino

Sooner or later nearly every driver gets a traffic ticket. It might be for speeding or for failure to use seatbelts or for running a red light. Whatever the situation, you may feel that you should just head to traffic court and write out a check and move on with your life.  There are a number of reasons why this might not be the wisest course of action.

For starters, we at The Ticket Clinic have a 30-year history of helping people like you fight and win their case at traffic ticket court. By winning we mean that you pay no fines or court fees and your insurance rates won’t skyrocket. In fact, we are successful around 80 percent of the time when our services are used. We are real lawyers with valuable experience in the realm of traffic citations.

Save Money by Working With Us

A traffic citation can hit your wallet hard. California tickets are among the most expensive in the United States. Our fees are often less than what you would pay for a Mendocino traffic ticket. We can help you through the process of fighting the following citations or situations:

We have experience with nearly every type of traffic situation out there. Our legal team works to find reasons to have your ticket thrown out before you have to pay.

We Are Your Court Advocate

If necessary, we will represent you in court in Mendocino.  That means we will be right beside you at the Mendocino County Superior Court at 700 S Franklin #144 in Fort Bragg, arguing your case. It’s a good bet that we can find reasons why your ticket was not issued fairly. If we are successful, you will save money and your record won’t be damaged.

Contact Us To Learn More

If you have questions about our services call 1-800-CITATION or click on contact to be taken to our online form.